last update:


The Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia founded in 1860 by the Mapuche Indians in territory now occupied by the Republics of Chile and Argentina. Orelie-Antoine de Tounens, a French lawyer living in Araucania, was elected by the Mapuche to be the first King of Araucania and Patagonia. In 1862, King Orelie-Antoine was kidnapped by Chilean soldiers and deported to France. He mounted three expeditions to reclaim his throne and rally the Mapuche against the Republic of Chile, which was invading and colonizing Mapuche lands. In 1878, King Orelie-Antoine died in Tourtoirac, France.

Though the royal house has been in exile in France for over a century, it has never relinquished its rights under international law. The current head of the Royal House of Araucania and Patagonia is Prince Philippe of Araucania. He maintains close contacts with Mapuche groups both in South America and in Europe. He has spoken before the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous People as a representative of Mapuche people living in Argentina.

It is important to distinguish a state, which is a political apparatus, from a nation, which is a group of people joined by common language, culture and history. While the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia no longer exists and is only an historical memory, the Mapuche nation has preserved its cultural identity in spite of the concerted efforts of colonial and republican governments to either exterminate them -- as happened in Argentina -- or to forcibly incorporate them in a western, European culture -- as continues to happen in Chile through laws designed to destroy Mapuche culture, traditions, land tenure and language.

For more information on the Mapuche nation, please visit the page :The Mapuche Nation.

NAARS Link to the North American Araucanian Royalist Society





Philippe III, new Prince of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia, elected be the Regency Council on April 6, 2024


Files of the Coup d'Etat de Frédric Rodriguez-Luz and his subsequent dismissil



News and Press releases




  • Two 19th century maps of the Kingdom of Araucania & Patagonia found in the French National Archives.
  • The flags of the Kingdom of Araucania & Patagonia and the Mapuche nation..
  • The Crown of the Kingdom is made of steel and has stones from the Rio Bio-Bio, the natural border between the Chile and Araucania.
  • The Royal GalleryThe Royal Gallery has images of the monarchs of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia.
  • Prince Philippe and Princess Elisabeth former heads of the Royal House of Araucania in Exile.
  • Orelie-Antoine's Manifesto of 1863was published by the first King of Araucania and Patagonia while in exile in Paris.
  • The Elusive Reign of Orelie-Antoine is an introduction to the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia by Martha Gil-Montero.
  • Message of Reynaldo Mariqueo - 17 de noviembre, 2007 La Corona de Acero resplandece en el Cono Sur de América  
  • The Memory of King Orelie-Antoine is a  Mapuche perspective  on the first King of Araucania and Patagonia by Huichacurha Marhique.
  • The Cacique Gallery The Cacique Gallery has images of the 19th century Mapuche leaders who established the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia.
  • The Museum  of the Kings of Araucania is housed in the boyhood home of Orelie-Antoine de Tounens, first King of Araucania and Patagonia. 
  • Scenes de Perquenco, Orelie-Antoine's capital of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia.
  • Views of Tourtoirac Town where is the tomb of Orélie-Antoine

  • Members Section

    reserved for registered members of the website of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia

  • to access or to register, please click "HERE"

    You can find the following sections:

  • Constitution of the Kingdom of Araucania
  • Araucanian anthem et l'Opéra de Guillermo Frick
  • araucanian gallery images of Mapuche of the 19th ceentury, like Orélie-Antoine met them
  • Mapuche post cards de la collection Albert Trivero
  • medals and decorations awarded since the 19th century by the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia








  • Coins of the 19th century of the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonie are today numismatic rarities.
  • Coins of the 20th et 21rst century concerning the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia.
  • Coats and Arms of the Kingdom ofAraucania and Patagonia.








  • araucanian market  offers items related to the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia
  • Bibliographie  old and modern books related to the Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia
  • Les Archives of Prince Philippe d'Araucanie  showing old documents
  • Sainte Rose de Lima  Patronness of the Kingdom of Araucanie and Patagonia











  • 80th birthday of Prince Philippe of Araucania and Patagonie 

    Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia



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